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L’Oréal escolhe mulher com véu islâmico para comercial de shampoo

A marca francesa de cosméticos L’Oréal fez uma escolha original para a campanha de lançamento de um shampoo: a garota-propaganda é uma mulher usando um véu islâmico, ou seja, seus cabelos permanecem cobertos. A blogueira britânica Amena Khan revelou pelo Instagram que foi a escolhida para participar do comercial.

Em prol da diversificação da beleza a marca L'Oreal é o novo rosto do comercial da L'Oréal.
Em prol da diversificação da beleza a marca L'Oreal é o novo rosto do comercial da L'Oréal. instagram Amena official

“Estou tão animada e orgulhosa de anunciar que eu faço parte da nova campanha de publicidade da L’Oréal Paris Elvive”, publicou a blogueira e modelo, no dia 14 de janeiro. Amena é um fenômeno nas redes sociais – ela tem mais de 570 mil seguidores no Instagram.

I arrived to a set that was beyond anything I could imagine. With several open studio areas spread across a giant building, the first thing that hit me was the scale of the project. There were colourful sets assembled with multiple people behind the cameras. Amongst the buzzing of constant activity, the crew & @lorealhair team would often smile & say hello, always welcoming. Shoots like this are invariably stressful somewhere along the line, but I didn’t detect a hint of that. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀In the makeup room, I couldn’t contain my excitement about the project. @karindarnell regaled us with stories about the celeb world (being Riri’s MUA), all the while swiftly working her magic with makeup. We exchanged stories of working & of motherhood. @neelamkg joined us. Being an internationally successful model, I’m always struck by how “real” & humble she is. All 3 of us chatted away about life, triumph & sacrifice. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Lunch was great - lots of Vegan options so I was happy. The atmosphere was energised, especially as @ling.kt was on my table. She uplifts everyone around her. I ate quickly as we had some outdoor photography to do. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Our beloved weather did the predictable… as we stood at the main door, it started to drizzle. But before I knew it, someone had slipped a robe & slippers on me. There I was, in a van with 5 other people from the team, driving down to the canal in the area. It was surreal but exhilarating. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Back at the studio, super friendly @francescajordan did touch ups as it grew closer to my turn. The photographer was the legendary genius, @rankinarchive. A quiet, down to earth man, he was deliberate & thoughtful in every shot. I felt confident, unexpectedly calm & filled with gratitude. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Then came the interview. @lillycon, the interviewer, put me at ease quickly. She has the kind of vibe that makes it easy to speak with honesty - to just be yourself. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀When the long day finished & I was back on the train home, I reflected... not on how awesome this campaign (obviously) is, but more on the kindness I was privileged to have encountered that day (in so many more ways), & the beauty in connection between human beings <3

Une publication partagée par Amena (@amenaofficial) le

A modelo acrescentou que a decisão da L’Oréal “muda as coisas” e contou um pouco da sua “complexa” relação com seus cabelos, que ela considera “sem brilho”. “Quando retiro o meu véu, quero que o meu cabelo esteja radiante”, comentou.  

A Modelo muçulmana Amena Khan
A Modelo muçulmana Amena Khan @amenaofficial

Em uma entrevista para a revista Vogue, ela acrescentou que ao escolher “literalmente uma garota coberta por um véu para uma campanha de shampoo, eles [da L’Oréal] evidenciam realmente as vozes que nós temos”.

A inserção de mulheres muçulmanas no mundo da moda avança nos países ocidentais nos últimos dois anos. Em 2017, a americana GAP estampou cartazes com uma modelo de véu nas suas vitrines na França e Kanye West escalou uma manequim com véu para um desfile em Nova York. Além disso, a Mattel lançou a primeira boneca Barbie com o adereço típico das muçulmanas. Em 2016, a polêmica tinha sido o lançamento de uma linha de “burquinis” (roupa de banho inspirada nas burcas) pela marca sueca H&M.

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